Visit the School of Professional Studies at North park University

Supply Chain Management (BA)

Launch Your Career in a Growing Field

美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预测,从2020年到2030年,物流专家的就业人数将增长30%,运筹学分析师的就业人数将增长27%.

全球供应链影响着我们的日常生活,为消费者提供基本产品和商品. Rapid shifts in consumer demand lead to panic buying and shortages, and supply chain managers, professionals, and logisticians are in high demand.

Enrolling as a supply chain management major, 您将学习价值驱动的供应链管理和分析方法,准备应用于当今世界面临的实际运营挑战.


What is Supply Chain Management?

供应链管理是一门涉及产品流动的跨职能学科, the use of business resources, the flow of information, and the deployment of services in the chain.  These activities often include procurement, logistics, assembly, production, sales and marketing, distribution, delivery, and customer support. In essence, 供应链是一个专注于生产和分销产品,并与供应商和物流打交道以确保产品到达市场和客户的过程.

How does it help companies?

管理供应链涉及到供应商的有效整合, factories, warehouses, stores, 以及运输安排,以确保产品在正确的时间以正确的数量沿着供应链分发给客户.  With increasing competition around the globe, 供应链管理对企业来说既是挑战也是机遇.

Why is it important now?

The pandemic highlighted the importance of supply chains. As the virus spread and outbreaks shut down different regions, 为美国消费者提供基本商品的全球供应链受到了灾难性的影响. 消费者需求的快速变化导致了恐慌性购买和物流经理难以维持的短缺. 在疫情期间,我们已经看到了供应链管理者的重要性. In 2020, supply chain managers, supply chain professionals, and logisticians were called into service, not just for their companies, but also for the good of the economy at large.


供应链管理学士学位汇集了金融的概念, economics, and logistics. 课程使学生掌握这些领域的技能,并建立组织, problem-solving, and critical thinking skills. 大多数行业都需要供应链管理专家来帮助规划和指导他们的物流计划. Students will learn supply management through simulated applications, case analyses, special projects, 并将获得实践经验整合供应链管理的概念,以优化业务绩效结果. 对供应链管理概念的深刻理解和提出改进建议的能力将是我们所有商科学生工具箱的一部分.

Faculty Spotlight: Trevor James

“我试着不只是教授材料,而是让它适用于学生. 这样他们就能在第二天的工作或日常生活中使用他们在课堂上学到的东西.”


Read about Supply Chain Management Professor Trevor James

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Flexible Options & Curriculum

课程提供晚上和在线,以满足繁忙的日程安排的需要. 一个支持性的环境为学生从课堂到职场的成功过渡做好了准备.

学生将把供应链管理理论应用于商业情境和模拟, 在专注于一个专业领域的同时获得行业和专业经验.

Business classes complement the curriculum including ethics, marketing and leadership, and strategic management synthesis.

With three new courses in SCM, students can complete their degree.

Exciting Career Paths for Graduates

Logistician确保货物和产品尽可能高效地从供应商到达消费者手中, overseeing purchasing, transportation and warehousing.

Operations manager: Overseeing the production and delivery of goods to the customer, managing purchasing, manufacturing, storage, transportation and adherence to safety rules and regulations.

Purchasing manager, buyer or purchasing agent:购买商品或承包服务以供使用或出售给其他客户.

Supply chain manager协调组织的全部或部分供应链,从与供应商的沟通和工作到起草和维护与库存相关的政策.

In-demand Skills


  • 了解供应链的组成部分、术语、技术和全球化的挑战.
  • 了解供应链如何影响竞争力、道德和可持续性.
  • 了解采购、运营和物流在综合供应链中的作用.
  • 描述技术在供应链中的优势和劣势.
  • 应用指标来评估供应链的绩效,以区分材料管理和物流,同时了解它们之间的相互关系.
  • 解释对供应链管理至关重要的关键概念, quality control, product development, and procurement.
  • 获得复杂的战略和战术全球供应链问题的经验,并培养应对挑战的技能.